Thursday, December 19, 2019

Important Dates

Friday, Dec. 20- Organizational Day for teachers. No school for students.

Monday, Jan. 6 - No school - PD Day for teachers

Tuesday Jan. 7 - Students return to school

Collecting Materials for Instruments over Winter Break

Dear Parents and Students,

In our science class we have been exploring hearing and sound.  Students will be asked to design, build and test a musical instrument at school to reinforce the concepts learned. Working as a scientist, your job is to find materials around home, which can be brought to school and be used to create an instrument. All materials collected will be shared amongst the whole class. 

The students have started compiling a list of materials that could be used to build their instrument. The students understand that their instrument must be able to create different types of sound, as well as include their understanding of pitch and amplitude. Here is the list of materials the students compiled but other materials are welcome:

newspaper, rubber bands, cans, balloons, plastic containers, pipe cleaners, cardboard boxes, string/yarn/fishing line, popsicle sticks, paper, tinfoil, saran wrap, wax paper, rice, beads, beans, macaroni, sticks, bubblewrap, Ziploc bags, straws, small pieces of wood, wrapping paper/paper towel rolls

Please do not go out and buy items, but only send materials that do not need to be returned! The grade two/three team will supply tape and other adhesive materials.

Please bring all supplies to school by Friday, January 10, 2020. You are welcome to bring supplies in before the winter break!

The Grade 2/3 Team

Monday, December 16, 2019

Library Books

If you could have library books returned to school on or before this Thursday that would be greatly appreciated. 

Friday, December 13, 2019

Community Walk next Week

In science, all grade 2/3 classes are learning about hearing and sound. We are planning to go for a 'Listening Walk' to the pond on Tuesday afternoon (Dec 17). The purpose of this walk is to identify sounds in the community. We do not need volunteers for this walk.

So far it looks like we will be having nice weather on Tuesday but please ensure that your child comes to school with weather appropriate clothing. Thank you!

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Field Trip Tomorrow!

Dear Parents,

As you know, our class will be going on a full day trip to the National Music Center in downtown Calgary this Wednesday, December 11th.

We have a few details to share with you about our trip that are important for the day:

-Our bus leaves promptly at 8:20 am, please ensure your child is at school at 8:15
-Your child will need a lunch, a snack and water for our day
-We will be walking a short distance outdoors so please have your child dressed for winter weather (hat, mitts, winter coat)

Thank you in advance for your support. We are very excited for our trip!

Mrs. Sanders

Monday, December 9, 2019

Upcoming Events/Information

Tues., Dec. 10- Healthy Hunger Lunch (Little Caeser’s pizza)
Wed., Dec. 11- Room 75 (Sanders): Studio Bell - please be at school at 8:15

Monday, Dec. 16th- Carolling @ 2:15. Senior choir will also be performing. Parents are invited to join.

Thurs. Dec. 19th- Early dismissal (11:45) . Kernels snack. Pyjama Day! Carolling from 8:30 to 9:00 am. Parents are welcome.

Friday, Dec. 20- Organizational Day for teachers. No school for students.